Wednesday, May 28, 2008
so long, farewell... auf wiedersehen...
just a quick note to say that i will be going in for my anoesh op tomorrow morning. I have to say i'm quite nervous as i am not a fan of hospitals, but i also know this could be the start of great things. So share with me this moment to fare well to our favourite ms. anoesh. You've had your fun missy, i'm taking over now :)
Chat soon - love you all!
PS. Hopefully from now on my blogs will not only entail ass-stories ... yay!
Monday, May 19, 2008
hello again!
Have no sorrow, for you have not been forsaken...
I am officially declaring myself the world’s worst blogger. I mean, i can’t even remember when last i posted anything. So sorry guys – i promise i’ll make it up to you soon. The good news is i’m still alive and kicking ...
So what’s going on in anchie’s life at the moment. Well, ms anoesh is still with us in all her glory. And there is some good news and some not so good news. The good news is that i finally found an answer on why i feel so much pain and a solution. The not so good news is that they have to operate. So they will be removing my coccyx on the 29th of this month. The ortho-doc said that i must have broken it very, very badly and that some of the bones grew back horizontal. They are therefore pushing against other stuff in my anoesh and causing the immense pain.
I have to say i was quite emotional when i walked out of his office. One part of me felt very relieved, as i began to think i was going off my rocker the past month. I felt as if i couldn’t do anything, couldn’t handle pain and couldn’t be around people. I never knew pain could be so dibilitating (spelling) and that it could give you a good bout of depression. But three months is a long time and after his examination i realised that i have actually been coping very well. What a relief.
The second thing that went through my mind was sadness that i had to go for an operation and that i would be lying on my back for minimum 2 weeks. He explained to me that i wouldn’t be able to sit/drive for at least 2 weeks and that somebody would have to take care of me. I also couldn’t work, which is a problem for me as i do consultancy and get paid by the hour. I just started at this new company and already i am going to miss 2 weeks of work. But this is my health and is much more important than work – or so i keep trying to tell myself.
Furthermore i will be moving into a new flat and organised it in February already. Because i broke my rental agreement they could get new tenants in earlier and i have to be out of my flat by the end of this month. I can only move into the new flat at the end of June, so i will be moving to my mom’s house for a month. Because of the op i need to move this weekend and luckily i found movers to help on short notice. So i’ll be packing every night this week, to be ready for Saturday’s big move.
That’s about it for my life at the moment. Quite hectic if i could say so myself, but as a good friend always used to say: This too shall pass.