Monday, January 12, 2009

So long, farewell...

hi guys,

It has been so long since i posted anything... shame on me!

I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas and New Year and that the brightest, most loving energy accompanies you on your special journey this year.

Now for the so long, farewell bit... I have decided to close down my blog - Sober Thoughts. Reason being is that i feel like i am moving on to a different phase of my life and i can't really identify with Sober Thoughts anymore. Also, i haven't posted in so long - i think a fresh start would do wonders.

So - i do intend to start up a new blog soon and in the meantime i will be reading your blogs religiously.

Till next time...


PiaG said...

ag, no man!!

looking forward to the new blog.

Sue said...

NOOOOO - I have been checking past here every time I blog to see whether you've posted anything. Sorry that Sober Thoughts is disappearing, but looking forward to the new blog (don't make me wait too long - OK??)


Anonymous said...

I look forward to the new blog - uplifting toughts - very soon!

Fiona said...

Bugger, I was so excited to see you had posted something, but must admit my heart sank when I read your heading. Please start another Blog soon. Love and hugs. Fiona xx